Thirteenth Day – by Sina

And then the day we all feared came.
We tearfully said Goodbye to our exchange partners while remembering the sweet memories of our visit.
Then we had a 5 hour drive to Nowa Nowa ahead of us. Our first stop was in a little town called Cooma and after that Cann River where we were able to enjoy some food.
When we arrived at our accomodation it was a bit different than we expected…
The weather also wasn’t as good as we Highlight which meant that we couldn’t follow our original plan which was going on a kayak tour. But the rain was too heavy. Then it was decided that we would grab something to eat in the nearest town and visit the beach beforehand.
After that we all went to go sleep in our beds even though some of us weren’t really that comfortable. In the end we survived but were very excited to see our next place to stay.

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