\START\ \COMMENT= \NAME=ZENSUR \FILE=zensur.85P ClLCD 0\->\ZP:0\->\ZBI:0\->\ZBU:0\->\ZZ:0\->\MDL:0\->\Q:0\->\ZA1:0\->\MN:0\->\\#\ MX:0\->\MX2:0\->\MX3:0\->\Q2 Fix 0 Disp "V.1.2 Schmedi@sax.de:" Disp " Willkommen !","" Disp "Was willst du tun ?" Disp " NP errechnen" Disp " BE errechnen" Disp "---------------------" Menu(1,"NP",NP,2,"BE",BE,5,"Ende",EE) Lbl NP Input "BE insgesamt: ",ZBI Input "Erreichte BE: ",ZBU 100/ZBI\->\ZP ZP*ZBU\->\ZP Disp "Bewertungsmodell?" Menu(1,"12.5%",ZW,2,"15%",FZ) Lbl FZ 100\->\ZBI:16\->\ZZ Repeat ZP\>=\ZBI (ZBI-5)\->\ZBI:(ZZ-1)\->\ZZ End Goto DNP Lbl ZW 100\->\ZBI:16\->\ZZ Repeat ZP\>=\ZBI (ZBI-(12.5/3))\->\ZBI:(ZZ-1)\->\ZZ End Lbl DNP ClLCD If ZZ<0:then:0\->\ZZ:End Disp "Du hast % erreicht."," " Outpt(1,9,ZP) Disp "Das entspricht:"," " Disp " -------" Outpt(6,8,ZZ) Outpt(6,10," NP") Outpt(7,7,"-------") For(Q,5,7) Outpt(Q,6,"|") Outpt(Q,14,"|") End Goto EE Lbl BE Input "BE insgesamt: ",ZBI Disp "Bewertungsmodell ?" Menu(1,"12.5%",ZW1,2,"15%",FZ1) Lbl ZW1:12.5\->\MDL:Goto GO2 Lbl FZ1:15\->\MDL:Goto GO2 Lbl GO2 Disp "Welche Zensur?" Menu(1,"1",Z1,2,"2",Z2,3,"3",Z3,4,"4",Z4,5,"5",Z5) Lbl Z1:15\->\ZA1:Goto BILD Lbl Z2:12\->\ZA1:Goto BILD Lbl Z3:9\->\ZA1:Goto BILD Lbl Z4:6\->\ZA1:Goto BILD Lbl Z5:3\->\ZA1:Goto BILD Lbl BILD ClLCD For(Q,1,8) Outpt(Q,4,"|") End Outpt(1,1,"NP") Outpt(1,5,"BE mindestens") For(Q,0,2,1) Outpt(2*Q+3,1,ZA1-Q) End For(Q,0,2,1) ((100-((16-(ZA1-Q))*(MDL/3)))%*ZBI)\->\MX Outpt(Q*2+3,8,MX) End For(Q,3,7,2) Outpt(Q,11,"von") Outpt(Q,15,ZBI) End Lbl EE ""\->\ZP:""\->\ZBI:""\->\ZBU:""\->\ZZ:""\->\MDL:""\->\Q:""\->\ZA1:""\->\\#\ MN:""\->\MX:""\->\MX2:""\->\MX3:""\->\Q2 Stop \STOP\